Family Constellations Berlin – Seminar 2015

FAMILY CONSTELLATIONS IN BERLIN – THE SEMINARS FOR 2015 Family constellation or Systemic constellation is a method that is widely known. Monthly seminars in english for english speaking people or native speakers with Andrea Hofmann in Berlin Neukölln / Treptow. It is also posssible to do a individual constellation anytime (appointment). The location is seated right between Treptower Park (Treptow) and Sonnenallee (Neukölln).

It is easy: you call or send an email to Andrea Hofmann and tell her if you want to work with your own topic or if you just like to get to know the method and be a participant. There will be english speaking groups once a month. If you would like to do your own family constellation or systemic constellation in a more intimate surrounding you can also book an individual session with Andrea Hofmann without a group. In this case any appointment would be available, also in daytime or at night.

Monthly every first thursday.
20:00 – 22:00h

Attendance needs registration in advance.


Monthly every first thursday or tuesday (alternating)

These constellations are held in english

Constellations in german -> you find here (and below on this page)

feb 02.2015 TUE

mar 05.2015 THUR

apr 02.2015 TUE

may 07.2015 THUR

jun 02.2015 TUE

jul 02.2015 THUR

aug 04.2015 TUE

sept 03.2015 THUR

oct 05.2015 -> MON!

nov 05.2015 THUR

dec 01.2015 TUE


80 Euro person who does the Family Constellation
20 Euro representatives
20 Euro observer

Neukölln / Treptow

Andrea Hofmann
Raum für Innere Arbeit
Heidelbergerstr. 37a
12059 Berlin
(U/S-Bahn Treptower Park, Sonnenallee)


Andrea Hofmann
Counselling / Coaching / Psychotherapie

Heidelberger Str. 37a
12059 Berlin

030 – 28 45 98 57
0176 – 234 02 987

Portraitfoto von Andrea Hofmann, dunkle kurze Haare ("Pixie-Schnitt"), dunkle Augen, lächeltMore information about family constellations

More information about Andrea Hofmann, methods she works with & more … (in english)



What are Family Constellations / Systemic Constellations?

The method Family Constellations also called Systemic Constellations can be used to solve various kinds of problems.

Classically it helps with problems or illnesses that are caused by the family field.

Structures and relations are the key to understandig

Used freely as Systemic Constellation diverse problems can be set up: social structures like for example working relations but also physical or psychological problems like, „me and my backache“, „me and my agoraphobia“, „me and my sleeping problem“, „me and my addiction“ and so forth.

Family Constellations – Structures in space

At the beginning of Family Constellation session persons or problems that are part of the topic are representated by members of the group, positioned in spaces in an individual constellation. Through the representatives and the constellation information concerning the problem shows up, step by step.

Family Constellatins: Underlying currencies can emerge and show themselves

This is how the sensitivities of each participant and their relationships to each other can be seen. The representatives are able to articulate clearly things that very often are not talked about in the family or things that are totally suppressed so family-secrets or things that are long forgotten can emerge, can be told and heard.

Family Constellations: Working with your inner grid on the outside

Communication of the representatives and changing their positions help to understand the situation of each single participant.

The spatial image of the problem is getting deeper and wider through finding out about all the perspectives of the people or things that are connected within the structure. Through communication and new positioning there is more clearing so the person can find a solution to the problem – inside and outside.

Family constellations / Systemic Constellations can be done in seminars or individual sessions. For individual counselling just contact me for a personal appointment.

More information about family constellations

More information about Andrea Hofmann, methods she works with & more … (in english)

More information about Family Constellations on Wikipedia

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